March 31, 2011

Gracie and her Weirdness

So my sister Emily got this app on her Ipod called CamWow. And my little sister LOVES it! They're weird...and funny! The third one looks so real!!

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Little Miss

Last night I was sleeping with my sister and she put a fuzzy blue blanket by our heads. Usually Brady comes and paws at it and purrs. This time Little Miss came and pawed! She purred really loud too! She just walked around in circles for like 15 minutes. It was SO cute!! Oh, and earlier I had just gotten home from choir and there was a box waiting for me! There was 5 balls of Promo Fil and 3 hooks in it! I LOVE it! It's so soft too! Sorry the picture is so small! Tomorrow is my 11th birthday! I can't wait! Mama is gonna make coffee cake in the morning (it doesn't taste like coffee)!

March 27, 2011


YAY! I got Emily's fish tank! Her fish got really BIG! So, she got a bigger fish tank at Petsmart earlier. I think we're going to put some of the baby fish in mine. We need to seperate the girls and the boys before it's to late and they have MORE babies!! Oh, and we found out that Bob (my sister's favorite fish) is a girl! HAHA. We thought it was a boy!

March 22, 2011

Tiki Torches and Clovers

We were all outside after dinner.  Little Miss was out there too the whole time..... Daddy lit the tiki torch that has been sitting in our garage for forever. We had chairs all around it and it looked like we were watching TV! We were out there for a while, but we just came in. Here's some pictures of the clover in the backyard,:

This one is the shortest patch:

And this one is the highest patch:

March 18, 2011

New Blog

Yay!! I finally made my blog! I can't wait to put up some of the crochet patterns that I made up! :D


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